Point of Sale (POS)

At MDT, we specialize in providing comprehensive Point of Sale (POS) solutions by offering reliable hardware and software tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Our POS solutions empower businesses to streamline their operations, enhance customer experiences, and optimize sales and inventory management.

POS Hardware

We offer a wide range of POS hardware components designed to facilitate efficient transactions and enhance the overall retail experience. Our POS hardware includes:

Terminals & Registers

We provide robust and user-friendly POS terminals and registers that serve as the central hub for processing sales transactions. These devices are equipped with touchscreen interfaces, barcode scanners, receipt printers, and other essential features to ensure seamless and accurate transaction processing.

Customer Displays

Enhance customer engagement and facilitate transparency by using customer-facing displays. These displays can show item details, pricing information, promotions, and order summaries, improving the overall customer experience.


We also offer various POS peripherals such as printers, pole displays, scales, and kitchen order printers. These peripherals can be integrated into the POS system to further optimize operations and meet specific business requirements.


POS Software

In addition to POS hardware, we provide feature-rich and user-friendly POS software solutions that enable businesses to efficiently manage sales, inventory, and customer data. Our POS software offers the following capabilities:
Sales Management
Our software streamlines the sales process by facilitating quick and accurate transaction processing, including item scanning, discounts, promotions, and multiple payment options. It provides real-time updates on sales data, generates detailed reports, and supports sales tracking and analysis.
Inventory Management
Our POS software enables businesses to effectively manage inventory by tracking stock levels, automating purchase orders, managing product variants, and generating alerts for low stock or out-of-stock items. This ensures optimal inventory control, reducing overstocking or stockouts.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Our CRM features enable businesses to capture and analyze customer data, including purchase history, preferences, and loyalty programs. This helps drive customer engagement, personalized marketing campaigns, and enhanced customer experiences.
Reporting and Analytics
Our POS software provides comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities, offering insights into sales performance, inventory turnover, profitability, and customer behavior. These insights help businesses make informed decisions, identify trends, and optimize operations.
Integration and Scalability
Our POS software can integrate with other business systems, such as accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and loyalty programs, enabling seamless data synchronization and improving overall business efficiency. It is also scalable to accommodate business growth and evolving needs.

Guaranteed Products

We offer 1 Year Warranty on our printer products and Accessories